
Name’s Thiago, Brazilian name that translates to James or Jacob depending on who you ask.

I’m a Computer Engineer from Brazil. Over the last few years, I’ve often worked in positions involving Software Development and understanding businesses, large and small. My career exposed me to business challenges all over the world, with focus in emerging markets, especially Latin America. While in college, I always felt I would work on the “hardcore” Computer Science stuff but I ended up being more excited about using technology as a means to an end.

In my life, I’ve lived in quite a few places in Brazil, Argentina and the United States:

  • San Francisco Bay Area - been here since mid-2018
  • São Paulo and Campinas - six years working in the tech industry
  • São Carlos and Santa Fé, Argentina - college at UFSCar and UNL
  • São José dos Campos - senior year in high school
  • São Mateus do Sul and Curitiba in Paraná - infancy and most of high school

I love to travel and have already visited 20+ countries in 3 continents. Despite my passion for travel, I’ve never got used to sleep on planes. My Nintendo Switch has been my best friend on long-haul flights. In High School, I played Table Tennis at a competitive level in Brazil. I still pick-up my paddle every now and then. In the last few years, I grew an interest in investments and finance, especially on the role technology plays in this industry.

Currently, I’m a Senior Engineering Manager at Roblox. Before that, I led a global team of engineers working on Meta’s Business Messaging Products, especially WhatsApp Business API and Messenger for Business. Opinions here are my own.